Las acciones hablan mejor que todas las palabras, valen más que tanta paja y mayor peso detentan que la bazofia en la cuál sobreabundan, o la basura en cuya materia se revuelcan. Que pasa el tiempo, que acaban los años y sino viéramos los espejos no estaríamos al tanto ni cuenta de cuanto nos vamos arrugando. Por vanidad nos cuesta no arreglarnos, de igual modo, por astucia sabemos la forma que daremos a nuestros pelos rojos, por peripecias entendemos el cómo lograr combinar un algodón violeta, con un pantalón de drill gris, zapatos marrones de trenzas multicolores y cola fucsia en la crin.
Las lecciones aprenden aquellos que sus sentidos aguzados sostienen, valientes esos que trabajan en desventaja, mantienen sus familias con migajas, pacientemente no relajan sus hombros y muslos anchos para edificar sus ranchos, ni se amilanan por las patadas que algunos poderosos o ricos dan contra sus casas, ni se rebajan a jugar barajas, tampoco prometen ser peones del ajedrez de otros locos, recuerdan los caballos mozos que libertaron sus destinos, sin importar los movimientos de tantos momentos, menos dejando que pisoteen sus caminos, por tanto, reconquistando orgullosos su gloria y arrojo.
Las compuertas iluminadas del triunfo están plenas con quienes con tesón labran su futuro, se posesionan del rumbo que darán a su fulgor, en sus manos observas las llaves de sus cosechas, el fruto de su labor, siguen siendo transeúntes desparramados a la suerte por una absolución de parte de las huestes de la muerte, elevando sus brazos con la esperanza de que a su paso Dios les haga caso, mientras los panes se sobreponen a las mentiras, se disponen entre las mesas las verduras, las aguas nutren a las servidoras sedientas, los valerosos se hidratan con sus gotas amenas, cada cuál en la colmena lleva su carga y paciencia, pone su grano de enhebrar a conciencia.
Las puntadas de mil agujas, las punzadas de mis polillas, rellenan y dan silueta a las ropas que arrejuntan, las personas que luego le disfrutan, los productos de la real jalea, los efectos del magistral jaleo, emanan y proyectan los salvados y minerales que alimentan, la humanidad presurosa por una paz perpetua.

Actions speak louder than all the words, are worth much more than straw and hold heavier weight than the swill in which superabound, or garbage on the field as they roll. Over time, they just see each year and mirrors but we would not be aware or realize how much we're wrinkling. Vanity make do not cost us, similarly, by cunning know how that will give our red hair, for incidents understand how to combine the cotton violet with drill trousers in gray, brown shoes and tail braided multicolored fuchsia the mane.
The lessons learned those whom hold their senses sharp, brave disadvantage those who work in, keep their families with crumbs, patients do not relax their shoulders and thighs wide to build their huts, or are daunted by some powerful kicks or haves' against their houses, nor stoop to play cards, do not promise to be pawns of chess to other's nuts, remember the horses lads who freed their destinations, regardless of movements many ages, leaving less trampled his ways, thus regaining its glory proud and fearlessness.
The gates are full of triumph lit with whom vigorously till its future, possess the course that will give them light, look in they hands the keys to their crops, the fruits of their labor, are still scattered to the lucky passers-by acquittal of part of the forces of death, raising its arms in the hope that on it passes hear God, while the loaves are superimposed on the lies, the tables are arranged between the vegetables, water nourish the hungry servants, the brave are hydrated with drops entertaining every person in the hive is loading and patience, put your bean thread thoroughly.
The stitches of thousand needles, the stitching of my moths, fill and give shape to the clothes recolected, then by people will enjoy, the royal jelly products, the effects of master fuss, fume and the saved project and minerals feed, humanity harvested by a perpetual peace.
The lessons learned those whom hold their senses sharp, brave disadvantage those who work in, keep their families with crumbs, patients do not relax their shoulders and thighs wide to build their huts, or are daunted by some powerful kicks or haves' against their houses, nor stoop to play cards, do not promise to be pawns of chess to other's nuts, remember the horses lads who freed their destinations, regardless of movements many ages, leaving less trampled his ways, thus regaining its glory proud and fearlessness.
The gates are full of triumph lit with whom vigorously till its future, possess the course that will give them light, look in they hands the keys to their crops, the fruits of their labor, are still scattered to the lucky passers-by acquittal of part of the forces of death, raising its arms in the hope that on it passes hear God, while the loaves are superimposed on the lies, the tables are arranged between the vegetables, water nourish the hungry servants, the brave are hydrated with drops entertaining every person in the hive is loading and patience, put your bean thread thoroughly.
The stitches of thousand needles, the stitching of my moths, fill and give shape to the clothes recolected, then by people will enjoy, the royal jelly products, the effects of master fuss, fume and the saved project and minerals feed, humanity harvested by a perpetual peace.