sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Don (Gift)

 I offer you this one Don, of sign and Ton (tone)...
 How bequeathed, and you must figure the Son (sound),
 Used for these to demonstrate in my rol (role)...
 Of Lor (lord) already inside its ingenuity sin (without) sor (sun),
 Not even some another mid by the calculation of vectors,
 Or to calibrate the tenor, at to escalate a degree gol (goal),
 Cum estimate magnitude on the value and condition,
 La measure is a range of volume and dimension,
 Via constituent organ, per substance of the body.

 In a light interval cast horary has changed aim avoid,
 The essence of the object, artifice minus pretext, gizmo,
 So imaginary color of hue and concentration,
 Not real neither false, virtual stratum, level, notch,
 In success it doubts the evident err of design spots,
 Whose root: it is, are beginning with intention,
 But, the appliance does not have science less reason,
 It will be a tort such an attribute, I assume mere pun sole,
 Be in proportion it is a pattern change sorts.

 Innovation of talent demonstration of mandate, dominion,
 A privilege of empire the reality over supposition,
 Belief to judging on motifs of its false expression,
 Inferring in its suspicious condition to be a contradiction,
 Incoherent milestone, illogical fate, adversative symbol,
 Of nothing bad, indifferent in some, and all good,
 With hoax, fraud, guilt, tramp I rule the scorn...

 for perfect characters dupe, damage, injury, simulation,
 Species of eternal dark shades of being ignorant minion,
 Not an opportune odd abyss, in vacuum, non of illumine the intellect nod.

 Illustration is Don, illustration is done, illustration is a dome.


Te ofrezco éste don, de signo y ton...
cuán legado, y debes figurarte el son,
utilizado para ésto manifestar en mi rol...
de Lor ya dentro de su ingenio sin sor,
ni algún otro medio para el cálculo del vector,
o calibrar el tenor, del escalar a grado,
u apreciar de magnitud el estado y valor,
y la mesura es rango de volumen y dimensión,
del órgano constituyente, la substancia del cuerpo.

En un lígero intervalo el lance ha variado,
la esencia del objeto, artificio sin pretexto,
so color de matiz y concentración imaginario,
no verdadero tampoco falso, virtual estrato,
en acierto duda el evidente error de diseño,
cuya raíz: es, son principios con propósito,
pero, el artefacto no tiene ciencia menos razón,
será desperfecto tal atributo, arrogo mero equívoco,
sé en proporción es cambio de patrón.

Innovación de talento demostración de mandato,
un privilegio de imperio la realidad sobre supuesto,
creencia a juzgar con motivo de su falsa expresión,
infiriendo en su condición sospechosa ser contradicción,
hito incoherente, hado ilógico, símbolo adversativo,
de nada malo, indiferente en algo, y todo lo bueno,
con dolo pauto el desprecio por carácteres perfectos,
especie de eterna oscuridad de estar ignorando,
no un oportuno vacio non nod de iluminación del intelecto.

Ilustración es Don, ilustración es don, ilustración es don.

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Felony without fundament

 Because this grows,
 Once it was minuscule,
 As a bunch,
 That propagates in tree,
 It increases its size,
 Fragile as your eyes,
 Concent of birds,
 I consent your lips.

 For my sound precious,
 Of paradise pieces,
 Joining they go in rite,
 Your mouth and my beak;
 Quid of my senses,
 Essence that of you, I breathe,
 The object of my progress,
 On recognize him with me.

 The life acquires motive,
 With your hands acting,
 Between making it perfect,
 To left it moderate,
 Or to destroy it toughened,
 Nothing, something, or, everything,
 They have of being a reason,
 Since of my you are the Sun.

 That raises my foundation,
 For the constituted home,
 To transform and to correct it,
 This way not to see it extinct,
 Because of a carelessness,
 In opposite, to perceive it,
 As domicile in evolution,
 That of account of how much,
 I adore him in my love.

 I continue managing to follow it,
 Not as is obsessed,
 However, enamored, without fright,
 The sum I say to him,
 Of the affection that I don't rest,
 To take root I claim,
 For being a logarithm.

 Multiplying complicated,
 The divided limit,
 For way its space,
 And the time shared,
 If and only if we continue,
 Us revealing every thought,
 And invoke no secret,
 For the sincere and honest.

 Concrete between algorithms,
 What gives in the calculation,
 Of the set a result,
 According to the agreement,
 Habit of little use,
 Or practice with sense,
 For root by following strictly,
 Sole as solemn statement.

 Ultimately, another change,
 Perspective obtained,
 Branching phenomena,
 Coherent and logical,
 mesure couple of beats,
 Used the due intelect,
 I take advantage of the instinct,
 It indicated live compromised.

 So existence without witness,
 Would be an almost the same thing,
 Than the major suffering,
 Of the minor of the human beings,
 Equal that one to a slave,
 To its freedom it has offended,
 Taking immense risk,
 Of paying and to give like received.

 Lacking in intention to harm,
 More or less the imputed one,
 Of the crime of zeal to his owner,
 Of fault I suffer penile,
 Become attached for loving it,
 Identical to surrounding the sides,
 To go above or for below,
 To reach to similar surface flank.

 Felony without fundament,
 Since it is not bad antijuridical,
 Don't comprehend the established,
 In our consensual contract,
 According to social convention,
 For the well of the involved ones,
 Plaintiff and defendant,
 For the just thing, healthy and equitable.

 The process has been executed,
 Showing the affections is demonstrate,
 I prove these given indications test,
 For whom it inspired the write,
 Libel never introduced,
 Therefore, never dissolved,
 Before corresponding deparment,
 Of jurisdiction desisted.

 Some material prescribed,
 For mass in laps expirated,
 Experiment devoid of method set,
 Always deprived of argument,
 I aspire be eternally or timeless,
 And play to the clock a challenge,
 To finish sentenced, not in a failure,
 For your everlasting love.

Delito sin fundamento

Porque crece ésto,
una vez fue minúsculo,
como un manojo,
que se propaga en árbol,
aumenta su tamaño,
frágil cuan tus ojos,
concento de pajaros,
consiento tus labios.

Para mi son preciosos,
de paraiso pedazos,
uniéndose van en rito,
tu boca y mi pico;
quid de mis sentidos,
esencia que de ti respiro,
el objeto de mi progreso,
al saberle conmigo.

La vida adquiere motivo,
con tus manos obrando,
entre hacerlo perfecto,
dejarlo moderado,
o destruirlo radicalizado,
la nada, algo, u, todo,
tienen de ser razón,
como de mi eres sol.

Que levante mi fundación,
para el hogar constituido,
transformar y corregirlo,
así no verlo extinto,
por causa de un descuido,
en contrario, percibirlo,
como domicilio en evolución,
que de cuenta de cuanto,
le adoro en mi amor.

Sigo logrando seguirlo,
no tal cual obseso,
mas, enamorado, sin miedo,
la suma le digo,
del afecto que no resto,
ni radicar pretendo,
por ser un logaritmo.

Al multiplicarme complico,
el límite dividido,
por medio su espacio,
y el tiempo compartido,
si y sólo si seguimos,
revelándonos cada pensamiento,
e invocar ningún secreto,
para lo sincero y honesto.

Concretar entre algoritmos,
lo que dé en el cálculo,
del conjunto un resultado,
de acuerdo a lo convenido,
hábito de poco uso,
o costumbre con sentido,
por raíz tengo estricto,
sólo como solemne relato.

Al final, otro cambio,
de perspectiva he conseguido,
ramificación de fenómenos,
coherentes y lógicos,
mesuro par de latidos,
usado el debido raciocinio,
más aprovecho el instinto,
que indicó vivir comprometido.

Pues existencia sin presenciarlo,
sería casi lo mismo,
que el mayor sufrimiento,
del menor de los humanos,
aquel igual a un esclavo,
a su libertad ha ofendido,
tomándose inmenso riesgo,
de pagar y darse por cobrado.

Carente de intención a daño,
más o menos un imputado,
del crimen de celo a su amo,
de culpa peno escaso,
de éste apego por amarlo,
idéntico a rodear los costados,
ir encima o por debajo,
para llegar a similar lado.

Delito sin fundamento,
ya que no es mal antijurídico,
ni comprende lo establecido,
en nuestro consensual contrato,
según social convencionalismo,
para el bien de los involucrados,
demandante y querellado,
por lo justo, sano y equitativo.

El proceso que se ha ejecutado,
demostrando los afectos,
pruebo esos indicios dados,
por quien inspiró el escrito,
libelo jamás introducido,
por tanto, nunca dirimido,
ante correspondiente órgano,
de jurisdicción desistido.

Algún material prescrito,
por masa en perención,
experimento desprovisto de método,
siempre privado de alegato,
aspiro sea atemporal o eterno,
y le juegue el reto al reloj,
acabar sentenciado, no en un fallo,
por tu perpetuo amor.

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

I zeal you

 I aspire you, essence attempt to enjoy it,
 I wish you, for being favorite fondness,
 I long for you, there is no reason to ignore,
 I want you, devotion more than caprice,
 I long you, my motive on trying to reach.
 I court you, sole for solemnize the manifest thing.

 I crave you, estimation that I do when I prove,
 I claim you, because I am possessive, you belong to me,
 I seek you, subject has been an object of my affection,
 I request you, base that I ask of existing,
 I covet you, as the thing with perpetual value,
 I zeal you, I pledge with dedication on having had you.

 I need you, none might spew me on like that, satisfied,
 I precise you, compensate it if I submit to gratify you,
 I solicit you, you are an attachment that I leave appease,
 I require you, accomplish dedicated to quieten this effect,
 I lack of you, immobile still in your hands, free your body does not feed me,

 I adore you, got the permission of my dearth firm love.


Te aspiro, quid intento gozarte,
Te deseo, por ser cariñoso predilecto,
Te ansío, no hay razón para ignorarte,
Te quiero, devoción más que capricho,
Te anhelo, mi motivo al tratar de alcanzarte.
Te cortejo, sólo por solemnidad lo manifiesto.

Te apetezco, estimación que hago cuando le pruebo,
Te pretendo, porque soy posesivo, me perteneces,
Te ambiciono, sujeto ha sido objeto de mi afecto,
Te solicito, fundamento que pido de existente,
Te codicio, como la cosa con valor perpetuo,
Te afáno, me empeño con dedicación al tenerte.

Te necesito, ninguno podría arrogarme así, satisfecho,
Te preciso, compenso eso si me entrego a saciarte,
Te requiero, eres apego que dejo albriciado,
Te celo, al cumplir dedicado aquieto el efecto éste,
Te carezco, inmóvil de tu mano, libre en tu cuerpo no me alimento,
Te adoro, tienes la venía de mi firme amor.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010


 Simple, I feel credit, waited by this one,
 Couple of cadences, I sense beforehand for paces,
 Reverberation, silences, intonation, styles,
 That recreate rhythms, transformation in my anthems,
 I exclaim them with parts, my tone, and to everything,
 Melody to contradict a time or counter two,
 The life informs in harmony to be with you,
 Related let's form a set, to share it, 

 From the sonnet to the last alive verse.

 The certain thing has born between my affections,
 The fervor anxious to constitute it, tempo,
 In beautiful matter, this single prepares that it has occurred,
 Something technical has retained me, a sharp gesture,
 Dull unworthy excess, to the opposite propriety,
 Eminent, dizzy longing for the precious thing,
 That feeling when you exhale: mine,
 This pleasant conceit and sinful thought,
 Of liberating it of the improper romance, of vanity.

 Sole, a moment comprehends what's pure essence,
 Praised, spent by pristine filter,
 Grown older, worked as diamond ring,
 Not any hoop, nor silvering, neither gilding,
 However, well platinum, hard coin that lasts per centuries,
 I pretend that I find more crystalline beam,
 But, I have lied to my passive intellect,
 Real the assets of more value, alone circumscribed,
 In the lone document of the phenomenon that I refine.

 Instrument proclaimed the height of the moment,
 The vibration that produces in my senses,
 Intense quite, a little I shout, in nothing I stamp,
 I distinguish to be a qualitative sound, deep vocalize,
 Affection that spread to the maximum...
 Of every spectrum where my song travelled,
 Identical counterpoint to the metric interval,
 Delivered it come be, will is, it was in composition, work,
 Air propagator to the ear stimulus, word.

 Suffer as petal in tremulous tree,
 I sharpen my fangs into the pressure exerted,
 Against these lips that beg for your kisses,
 Your voice I want, passion I aspire,
 I outline my rites to the magician of my dream,
 It continue the letter by reverse,
 I thank for the eternal because you are divine,
 I do waive the expired thing, stick to the owner,
 Of the heart that synchronized in your way.

 I adore you widely, extend up to reducing it,
 Because understood it was unable to transfer it,
 Rested and baggy this pants, small my brake,
 It causes emotion to throw to the emptiness,
to destination, I fill you with sex,
 Clandestine, seasoned, subversive, resistence,
 To falling down in the same thing, differing conceive,
 Extraordinary, superior, only begotten,
 The music that was charmed with, of my balance motif...

Love has begun handsome, lonesome I'm your companion.